My wife and I had car accident near the end of last year and began treatment with a chiropractor and massage therapist, but saw only small incremental healing response. At the recommendation of the massage therapist, my wife visited Sang at Gorilla Acupuncture for treatments. These treatments, in conjunction with the massage, were able to speed the healing process by alleviating pain for days after. Sang has also started to treat patients at the Radiant Family offices in Grants Pass, which makes her services much more convenient to get to.
My wife and I had car accident near the end of last year and began treatment with a chiropractor and massage therapist, but saw only small incremental healing response. At the recommendation of the massage therapist, my wife visited Sang at Gorilla Acupuncture for treatments. These treatments, in conjunction with the massage, were able to speed the healing process by alleviating pain for days after. Sang has also started to treat patients at the Radiant Family offices in Grants Pass, which makes her services much more convenient to get to.